Monday, April 18, 2011

Shut your face!!

I go in spurts on writing here.  I sit down and start writing a post but never finish it.  Once I finish one though I get so inspired to keep writing and coming up with other ideas to write about. Maybe I should force myself to keep writing... maybe that will bring me more motivation to get back on track. :)

This past weekend was my first weigh in at boot camp in 3 weeks.  I had missed the first 2 weigh ins because of work and illness.  When I stepped on the scale it showed an 8 pound weight gain!  It was so hard to see those number pop up on the scale that I had gained so much weight.  It really goes to show how much just slacking off a little can affect everything.  I was still going to personal training sessions once a week and boot camp 3 times a week and yet I gained weight! 

Like I said in my previous post though I can not blame anyone but myself for the results on the scale.  I think we tend to quickly point fingers to the things around us as an excuse though instead of looking at ourselves first.  True, there are circumstances in life where we have no control over and we have to deal with it all anyway.  No matter what though, we have to look at the hands we are dealt and deal with it.  The way we perceive life and situations and the way we deal with it is more important than what we hold in our hands.  

"Shut your face" is a phrase, that if you know me personally, comes out of my mouth on a regular occasion. It is usually said in a joking matter, and it makes people laugh.  I however need to tell myself to "shut my face" when it comes to my excuses.  Working out isn't as simple as it used to be and I have to push myself more to get results. I caught myself saying "its harder that way" when my form was corrected during boot camp.  I try and justify eating crappy because I workout.  I need to shut myself up and stop making excuses. 

Today was my first day to get back on the "wagon".  I packed my meals for the day and set off to work.  I can not say that it was like getting back on a bicycle, it is more like running after a sabbatical.  I knew I could eat my meals every 2 1/2 hours like I had done in the past but it was hard to push myself to make it that far.  I did however survive my first day.  I even pushed myself to work a little harder at my personal training session tonight, and the sweat on my shirt was a testament of my hard work.  All in all it felt good to be getting myself back on track. 

I by no means am a poster child for weight loss.  It is hard, it sucks at times and it makes me wanna quit sometimes.  I think though that through the hard times is when I learn the most.  Its the times where I says "I wanna quit" is the time when I need to push myself the hardest.  Its getting harder and it is going to keep getting harder for me to reach my goals.  I just have to tell myself "shut your face, and big fat get over it!!" I will not achieve anything making excuses! 

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