Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Then came exercise

I, like most people, had purchased a piece of exercise equipment years back fully intending to workout hardcore every day and lose 100 pounds in a month! You know because, that is how we all want to lose weight. So I got on my little elliptical machine and started away! 30 seconds later I was huffing and puffing already breaking a sweat! By the time 5 minutes had passed I felt like I was done. By 10 minutes I could have sworn I was dying! My chubby legs would not take another step, my t-shirt was pretty much saturated and I was hungry :). I had no idea I was so out of shape. I mean seriously?!?! 10 minutes! But I still had the fresh, go get em attitude... until the next day.

Every single muscle in my body hurt. My elliptical had the moving arms as well as peddles so it wasn't too much of a surprise when my arms were hurting as well as my legs but don't ask me how my hair follicles hurt! It was kind of pathetic, I even had to use the handicap stall at work because I needed the handles to hang on to so I could sit down and stand up! A simple sneeze would radiate through every single sore muscle causing a jolt of pain from my nose to my toes.

I was faithful to workout for the first week, and then the Tuesday weigh in came. I lost a whopping 1 pound! Yahoo, NOT! I killed myself like 3 times that week 10 minutes each time and only 1 pound!?! But I knew I couldn't stop yet, we had weigh in every Tuesday in my supervisors office. It was enough accountability to keep me going.

My roommate was a great help to keep me accountable too. She was a cheerleader in high school and was in good shape. Our apartment complex had a small workout room with a couple of treadmills, elliptical and exercise bikes. Every time she would go workout she would ask me if I wanted to join her. So I would tag along, while she ran on the treadmill, I sweated my butt off for 10 to 15 minutes on the recumbent bike then do some "stretching" until she finished. I wanted to be able to run on the treadmill just like her. I have always been fascinated with runners especially the ones with mile long legs who never seem to touch the ground. Even as a fat kid I would dream of being a skinny person running down the street. But I knew, I could barely ride a bike or use the elliptical I could never be a runner.

So I continued to workout, when ever it was convenient and eat whatever I wanted. After all I was working out so I could still eat my beloved Chick-fil-a, chicken egg and cheese bagel with hash browns and a large sweet tea every morning. Not to mention the assortment of chain fast food restaurants for lunch all of which were so conveniently located just down the road from my work. So conclusively I deducted, my working out would burn calories so with all my hard work I could reward myself with a pizza or taco or fried chicken, Right?


  1. So proud of you Emily! You will inspire so many!

    ~ Amy Furbee

  2. Wow! well written! I'm proud of you, for many reasons!

  3. "but don't ask me how my hair follicles hurt! It was kind of pathetic, I even had to use the handicap stall at work because I needed the handles to hang on to so I could sit down and stand up! A simple sneeze would radiate through every single sore muscle causing a jolt of pain from my nose to my toes" ok when i read that i seriously peed my pants a little omg girl i been there one time me a friend went to the gym and did some ab stuff and my lower parts hurt me so bad im pretty sure i lost an ovary in the shower that night..

